July 30, 2013

San Francisco - Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

Paxton Gate

The last part in my San Francisco photo series - Paxton Gate. Before dinner one evening we happened upon this shop full of amazing natural history items -- fossils, taxidermy, shells, plants... Ultimately I was paralyzed by choice and didn't actually buy anything, but I could have bought basically everything. I wish Seattle had the equivalent of this place (or if it does, I hope I find it soon).

July 28, 2013

San Francisco - Mozilla and buildings

I've gotten behind with my blog - I'm going to wrap up the San Francisco pictures in the next post and get back to our regularly scheduled Seattle images!

Mozilla HQ

We visited Mozilla HQ where my brother works. Very swank little office space.

Mozilla HQ

Mozilla has meme/internet-culture-named conference rooms. I approve.

Mozilla HQ

Mozilla HQ

The Mozilla himself.

around San Francisco

around San Francisco

around San Francisco

San Francisco's row houses are very cool, lots of people paint them ornately, and/or with very vibrant colors.

around San Francisco

around San Francisco

around San Francisco

A paper fish parade! I need to make one of these. Dustin is featured in the window reflection.

July 7, 2013

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Here it is, the San Francisco money shot(s)! We passed over the bridge on the way to Muir Woods. A real marvel of engineering. I mean, it's no Space Needle, but it comes close. (joke!)

Muir Woods - San Francisco

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

Muir Woods

We visited Muir Woods on a Friday, which is one of the last remaining stands of old growth Coast Redwoods in the Bay Area. Super beautiful, and highly recommended. You have to cross the Golden Gate Bridge if you're headed there from the city, so extra bonus points for that. A few additional pictures are on Flickr.

July 1, 2013

Alcatraz - San Francisco


The ferry to Alcatraz, with wind turbines and solar panels.





John in the library. (This was an audio tour so we all had a headset and playback device.)



Where grenades hit the floor during the Battle of Alcatraz.



View of San Francisco from the island.


A seagull guards her chick (spotted fluff under the bush there).


More seagulls and chicks - I didn't know they were spotted until this trip!


Walking to dinner later past some nicely painted row houses.



Just north of Chinatown, up a street so steep it needs steps on the sidewalk.
